Welcome to Sonburst
Helping children and families experience the awe and wonder of God through Bible stories
“For God, who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness,' made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.”
— 2 Corinthians 4:6
About Sonburst
Creator and Founder, Lisa Ferguson, is passionate about raising the next generation to love God and others through a relationship with Jesus. As a young mom, Lisa recognized the need for high quality, user-friendly resources to disciple children. To meet this need, Lisa was inspired to draw on her experience as a professional educator of teachers and children to create Sonburst, an innovative approach to discipling children.
Sonburst publishes innovative, faith-based resources to support churches and families in discipling children. We also provide consulting, training, and coaching to equip churches and parents in using our resources. Contact us for more information.
What’s unique about Sonburst resources?
Our comprehensive resources and support services (consulting, training and coaching) are exclusive to Sonburst. They reflect an approach to discipling children that is grounded in Scripture, built on Jesus’ teaching strategies, supported by research-based practices, and influenced by schools in Italy:
Respect for children
A core conviction that children are capable, full of potential for the Kingdom, and that God can speak to them and through them
Bible stories
Adapted from Scripture and extended over a period of time to encourage repeated readings
Authentic conversations
Asking thought-provoking questions that lead to personal understanding and application of the Bible stories
Meaningful experiences
Captivating each child's unique heart, soul, mind and strength through everyday interactions and activities that include play, art, and nature
Collaborative learning
Opportunities for everyone to discover, explore, and apply Biblical truths together
Anticipation of awe and wonder
Encouragement to listen and observe with expectation for God to speak